LVT vs Porcelain Tile

May 2024
Anton White

Selecting the right flooring for your outdoor space often boils down to the choice between LVT and porcelain tile. In this comparison of LVT vs porcelain tile, we'll dive into key factors such as cost, installation, maintenance, and durability to help you make an informed decision.

Each material offers unique benefits, from the cost-effectiveness and DIY friendliness of LVT to the durability and high-end finish of porcelain tiles. Whether you're renovating or building anew, understanding these aspects will guide you to the best option for your outdoor area.

What this article covers:

LVT Vs Porcelain Tile


While LVT might seem like the budget-friendly choice initially, particularly with its less expensive glue-down options, this perception can be misleading in the long term. Porcelain tiles, although more costly upfront, often prove to be a better investment due to their longevity and resilience.

From our experience, the additional cost of porcelain is offset by its durability, meaning fewer replacements and repairs over time.

Additionally, while professional installation for porcelain tiles does add to the initial expense, it ensures a perfect, sustainable, long-lasting fit that enhances property value — a wise choice for those planning to invest in their homes.


Porcelain tile installation, while requiring more expertise, results in a superior finish that justifies the need for professional services. These tiles must be precisely laid and properly adhered to the surface to ensure they withstand the elements and the test of time, especially in outdoor settings.

which is better vinyl or porcelain tile

Although LVT offers a more DIY-friendly option with its user-friendly click-lock design, the enduring quality and elegance of professionally installed porcelain tiles make them the preferred choice for a truly upscale and durable outdoor living space.


Maintenance ease is a significant advantage of porcelain tiles, as demonstrated in our porcelain tile vs travertine floor and porcelain vs limestone comparisons. Renowned for their robust surface, porcelain tiles require only simple cleaning to maintain their aesthetic appeal.

Unlike LVT, which may need special care to avoid scratches from high foot traffic, porcelain stands up to wear and tear with remarkable ease.

This makes porcelain not only easier to maintain but also a more practical option for busy outdoor areas, providing a consistently clean and elegant look with minimal effort. Just like in our guide on Indian stone or porcelain, porcelain comes out on top in terms of maintenance requirements.


Although LVT might be easier to repair due to its modular design, the robustness of porcelain tiles significantly reduces the frequency of such repairs. Porcelain's hardiness means that it is less likely to incur damage in the first place, making it a more reliable option in the long run.

When damage does occur, porcelain's repair, though potentially more involved, is a rare necessity, reflecting its superior quality and durability.

After putting it to the test, we've found that this infrequent need for repairs, coupled with its timeless elegance, makes porcelain tile an excellent choice for those seeking a long-term flooring solution.

Indoor/Outdoor Use

Porcelain tiles excel in versatility and durability, making them the superior choice for both indoor and outdoor settings. Their tough nature is particularly advantageous for outdoor spaces that endure high traffic and various weather conditions.

vinyl vs porcelain tile

Porcelain's dense composition ensures it withstands freezing temperatures, intense heat, and direct sunlight without losing colour or structural integrity.

These tiles maintain their aesthetic and functional qualities year-round, providing consistent performance and style that outmatches LVT. For indoor areas, their sleek appearance integrates seamlessly with any decor, offering both practicality and a touch of elegance.


The inherent waterproof nature of porcelain tiles stands out significantly, especially in outdoor environments exposed to moisture. Porcelain's low porosity means that water, spills, and humidity do not penetrate the surface, making it ideal for patios, poolsides, and bathrooms.

On the other hand, while LVT is also marketed as water-resistant, it requires meticulous installation to seal against moisture effectively.

Imperfections in installation can lead to water seepage beneath the LVT, potentially causing mould growth and undermining the material's integrity and appearance.

Porcelain tiles, with their superior water resistance, offer peace of mind and durability, eliminating concerns about moisture damage.

Appearance & Design

When it comes to appearance and design, porcelain tiles are unrivalled in their ability to deliver a luxurious and authentic look. Available in an extensive array of styles, colours, and textures, porcelain can effortlessly mimic natural stone, wood, and even more intricate patterns.

This means that when deciding between porcelain tiles vs marble tiles or a natural stone vs porcelain tile patio, you can have the benefits of both.

This versatility makes it an excellent choice for those seeking to elevate their space with a touch of sophistication. While LVT can also replicate the look of wood and stone, it often falls short of matching the rich texture and depth that porcelain tiles offer.

which is better vinyl or porcelain tile

Porcelain's realistic and high-end finish, coupled with its long-lasting attributes, not only enhances the visual appeal but also adds to the overall value of the property, making it a worthwhile investment for any homeowner.

LVT or Porcelain Tile: Which Is Right for You?

Our experience has consistently shown that our porcelain patio tiles are the optimal choice for outdoor spaces, primarily due to their outstanding durability and minimal maintenance needs.

These tiles are not only tough enough to handle all kinds of weather conditions but also add a touch of luxury that can dramatically elevate the look and feel of any area.

The robust nature of porcelain minimizes the effort required to keep it looking pristine, allowing you more time to enjoy your beautifully appointed outdoor oasis without constant upkeep.

With their luxurious finish, porcelain tiles significantly enhance both the aesthetic appeal and the market value of your property, making them a smart investment for any homeowner.


When choosing between LVT and porcelain tiles for your outdoor or indoor space, porcelain tiles emerge as the clear frontrunner due to their superior durability, maintenance ease, and elegant design.

Their robustness makes them ideal for both high-traffic areas and extreme weather conditions, while their inherent waterproof qualities offer unmatched protection against moisture. Moreover, the aesthetic versatility of porcelain tiles allows for a luxurious finish that can elevate any space.

Considering these advantages, porcelain tiles not only enhance the beauty of your property but also contribute to its long-term value. For those looking to invest in top-quality, durable, and stylish flooring, explore our range at Ovaeda and make a choice that combines functionality with elegance.

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