Indian Stone vs Porcelain

May 2024
Anton White

Choosing between Indian stone vs porcelain for your garden paving is an important decision that impacts both the aesthetics and functionality of your outdoor space. At Ovaeda, we've extensively tested both materials and gathered substantial feedback from our customers.

This has equipped us with the insights to guide you through the benefits and considerations of each option. In this article, we'll explore their durability, maintenance needs, cost implications, and the unique aesthetic each material can offer to help you make the most informed choice for your setting.

Whether you seek the natural charm of Indian stone or the sleek, low-maintenance appeal of porcelain, understanding these factors will ensure your outdoor area not only looks exceptional but also serves your needs effectively.

What this article covers:

Benefits of Porcelain

Porcelain tiles, known for their durability and sleek appearance, have become a go-to for both indoor and outdoor settings. Here's why they might just be the right fit for your project:

  • Durability: Porcelain is incredibly tough. Made from a blend of clay and minerals fired at high temperatures, these tiles resist scratching, chipping, and wear from daily use.
  • Low Maintenance: When comparing any natural stone vs porcelain tile patio, porcelain's low maintenance is where it shines. Thanks to its non-porous nature, porcelain is easy to clean and doesn't require sealing, saving you time and effort in upkeep.
porcelain or indian stone
  • Aesthetic Flexibility: Available in a multitude of designs, including wood and stone effects, porcelain offers consistency in colour and pattern, allowing for a modern and polished look.
  • Weather Resistance: Ideal for the unpredictable British weather, porcelain doesn't get too hot in the sun or damaged by frost, making it a reliable choice year-round.

Benefits of Indian Stone

Indian stone, on the other hand, brings a touch of natural beauty and character to your garden:

  • Natural Aesthetics: Each piece of Indian sandstone is unique, with variations in colour and texture that add a warm, earthy charm to your outdoor area.
  • Cost-Effective: Generally, Indian stone is more affordable than porcelain, offering a budget-friendly option without compromising on style.
  • Durability: Known for its robustness, Indian stone can withstand heavy foot traffic and severe weather conditions, making it a solid choice for any garden.
  • Eco-Friendly: Being a natural stone, it's a more sustainable choice and involves fewer chemicals in its processing.

Indian Stone vs Porcelain

Type Of Material

Porcelain tiles are precisely engineered in controlled factory settings, making them the epitome of uniformity and precision. In our experience, this man-made nature allows for a wide variety of designs and colours, tailored to fit modern aesthetic needs.

Similarly to limestone vs porcelain tiles, Indian stone is quarried directly from the earth, making each piece distinct. The varied textures and colours of Indian stone slabs are shaped by natural forces and are ethically sourced, ensuring sustainability.

Indian stone or porcelain

The choice between a naturally unique product and a customisable, engineered option reflects not just a style preference but also a consideration for the environmental footprint of your paving materials.


In terms of upfront expenses, Indian stone typically presents a more budget-friendly option compared to porcelain. These natural stones are often less costly at purchase due to their abundant availability and simpler processing techniques.

However, porcelain, though initially more expensive, tends to offer greater long-term savings. This is due to its durability and low maintenance needs, which reduce ongoing care expenses and replacement costs.

The economic life cycle of porcelain makes it a worthwhile investment, especially for areas with high traffic or exposure to harsh weather conditions. Both Indian stone and porcelain are fantastic choices for increasing the value of your home


Maintenance considerations are crucial in the choice between Indian stone and porcelain, just like they are with deciding between LVT or porcelain tile.

As with travertine versus porcelain, Indian stone, with its porous composition, tends to absorb moisture and can develop stains from organic material and weather elements.

Regular sealing is required to protect the stone, with treatments needed every few years to maintain its resilience against staining and weathering. Porcelain, on the other hand, boasts a non-porous surface that resists stains, moisture, and algae growth, making it exceptionally easy to maintain.

porcelain or Indian stone

A simple wash down occasionally is sufficient to keep porcelain paving looking pristine, making it ideal for those seeking convenience and minimal upkeep.


The aesthetic appeal of your paving is greatly influenced by the material choice. Porcelain paving offers a sleek, consistent finish available in a myriad of styles—from stone and wood imitations to more avant-garde and polished looks.

Porcelain can even mimic the appearance of marble, meaning that when you're comparing marble vs porcelain, you can have the best of both. This allows it to seamlessly integrate into both contemporary and traditional landscapes.

Indian stone offers a rustic charm that is hard to replicate with manufactured products. Its natural colour variations and unique textures mean that no two paving areas are ever identical, and these characteristics intensify beautifully over time.

After putting it to the test, we've found that the evolution of its appearance adds character and depth to outdoor spaces, appealing to those who appreciate the beauty of natural ageing and landscape integration.

Indian Stone vs Porcelain: Which Is Right for You?

Choosing between Indian stone and porcelain ultimately depends on your specific needs and tastes.

If you value uniqueness and natural beauty and are willing to invest in maintenance, our Indian sandstone is a fantastic choice. For those seeking a modern, low-maintenance solution, particularly in wet or shaded areas, our porcelain paving is unbeatable.


Each material brings unique benefits to the table. Porcelain stands out for its durability, low maintenance, and modern aesthetic, making it a prime choice for those seeking a long-lasting and hassle-free paving solution.

porcelain slabs

On the other hand, Indian stone offers a natural, rustic charm with each slab distinct in pattern and colour, ideal for creating a warm and inviting outdoor space.

As you consider enhancing your outdoor living area, think about what material aligns best with your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences. If you're ready to transform your garden with high-quality paving, browse our extensive range at Ovaeda and find the perfect option to suit your style and budget.

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