Is Porcelain a Natural Stone?

June 2024
Anton White

Choosing the right materials for your outdoor space can be a complex task. Many people ask, is porcelain a natural stone? The short answer is no, but there's much more to it.

In this article, we'll delve into the differences between porcelain and natural stone, highlighting their unique characteristics, benefits, and drawbacks. From our experience at Ovaeda, we've gathered comprehensive insights to help you make an informed decision.

By understanding the distinctions and uses of these materials, you can select the best option for your outdoor project. Let's explore what sets porcelain apart from natural stone and why each might be the right choice for your needs.

Is Porcelain a Natural Stone?

Let's get straight to the point: porcelain is not a natural stone. It's a type of ceramic tile made from refined clay and other natural materials, which are then fired at very high temperatures.

According to our research, porcelain tiles are engineered to mimic the look of natural stone, offering a more consistent and less porous surface. 

Composition And Manufacturing

What is porcelain tile made of? Porcelain tiles are made from a mixture of clay, sand, and feldspar, which is then fired at temperatures around 1,220°C. This process makes porcelain extremely dense and durable, which is why it's a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor applications.

which is better stone or porcelain tile

In contrast, natural stones like marble, granite, and slate are quarried directly from the earth and cut into tiles. Each natural stone tile is unique, with its own variations in color and texture due to natural geological processes.

Durability And Maintenance

From our experience, outdoor porcelain tiles like ours are exceptionally durable and resistant to stains, scratches, and moisture.

This makes them ideal for high-traffic areas and outdoor spaces. They are also easier to maintain compared to natural stone, requiring only basic cleaning without the need for sealing.

Plus, if you're wondering: Are outdoor porcelain tiles slippery? Porcelain tiles have an R11 slip resistance rating, meaning that they're safe for outdoor use in wet conditions.

Natural stone, on the other hand, is more porous and can be prone to staining if not properly sealed. It also requires more frequent maintenance to preserve its appearance.

Environmental Impact

When considering the environmental impact and sustainability, porcelain has some positive aspects. The manufacturing process for porcelain, while energy-intensive, allows for the use of recycled materials and produces a product that is extremely durable and long-lasting.

This longevity means that porcelain tiles need to be replaced less frequently, reducing long-term environmental impact. Additionally, modern advancements in production have made the process more efficient and environmentally friendly.

is porcelain natural

Natural stone, although it requires less processing, involves quarrying, which can have its own environmental drawbacks.

Both materials have their pros and cons, but porcelain's durability and potential for using recycled content make porcelain sustainability a viable and responsible choice.


While porcelain is not a natural stone, it offers numerous advantages such as durability, low maintenance, and the ability to mimic the look of natural stone.

Natural stone, on the other hand, provides unique aesthetics and a low environmental footprint but requires more maintenance. Both materials have their own sets of benefits and are suitable for different needs and preferences.

At Ovaeda, we can help you find the perfect material for your outdoor space. Explore our wide range of high-quality porcelain and natural stone products.

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