Does Composite Decking Fade?

March 2022
Anton White

Does composite decking fade? That's the burning question on the minds of many homeowners and outdoor enthusiasts looking to spruce up their gardens and patios. The answer, while seemingly straightforward, is actually layered with nuances.

Composite decking, a popular choice for its durability and aesthetic appeal, does have varying responses to the elements, depending on the quality and type of product.

In this article, we'll dive deep into the world of composite decking, exploring how different types react to weathering, the role of manufacturing processes, and the impact of colour choices on fading.

What this article covers:

Does Composite Decking Colour Fade?

From our experience at Ovaeda, the answer to whether composite decking fades is a bit like asking if the British weather is predictable - it depends! The truth is, some composite decking can fade, while others are more resilient. It's all about the type and quality you choose.

Our Luxxe composite decking, such as this black woodgrain composite decking board, for instance, is a champion against fading. Thanks to the full encapsulation technology used during production, it maintains its vibrant colour.

composite decking fadin

However, our Classic and Natura composite decking ranges fade slightly after installation for the first 3-6 months. But don't fret! After this initial period, the colour stabilises, and you're left with a beautifully consistent finish, such as our Natura light brown composite decking.

Stages Of Weathering: Why Does Some Composite Decking Fade?

Now, let's delve into why some composite decking fades. It's a natural process called weathering, much like how a shiny new penny gradually becomes a bit less sparkly over time.

In the case of composite decking, this weathering is often due to exposure to UV rays and moisture.

Uncapped composite decking, made from a blend of recycled plastic and timber fibres, undergoes a process known as extractive bleeding within the first few months. This results in a slight lightening of the boards to achieve their weathered colour tone.

But once they reach this point, the rate of colour change slows down significantly, much like how a teak garden bench settles into its final hue after a season or two.

What Composite Decking Colours Are Less Likely To Fade?

When it comes to selecting the right colour for your composite decking, the choice can significantly impact how your deck weathers over time.

From our extensive experience and thorough research, we've observed that darker tones in composite decking are generally more resilient when it comes to fading. This might seem counterintuitive at first, as darker colours are often thought to fade more under sunlight. 

However, in the realm of composite decking, it's a different story, especially if you go for heat resistant composite decking.

Darker shades, such as black composite decking, deep browns, charcoal greys, and rich mahoganies, have a natural advantage. These colours are adept at absorbing UV rays, which paradoxically helps them maintain their colour consistency over time.

does composite decking fade in the sun

It's a bit like how a dark roof absorbs heat; it takes in the UV rays but doesn't show the wear and tear as much. On the other hand, lighter shades, while attractive and airy in appearance, can exhibit more noticeable changes within the first 6 months.

For those who prefer a middle ground, medium shades like classic oak or teak can offer a balance. These colours provide a warm, natural wood look while still offering a degree of resistance to fading.

Ultimately, the choice of colour for your composite decking should align with your personal style, the architectural character of your home, and your willingness to embrace the natural weathering process.

Whatever you choose, maintenance is key. Not only will it keep the composite decking colour looking better, but it will also help with composite decking warping and composite decking scratches.


While some composite decking may fade slightly initially, the colour stabilises after a short period. The degree of fading largely depends on the quality of the decking and the specific materials used in its construction.

By choosing high-quality, UV-resistant composite decking, you can enjoy a beautiful, long-lasting outdoor space with minimal colour change over time.

And if you’re looking for top-tier composite decking that will last you for years, look no further than Ovaeda.

composite decking colour fade

Does Composite Decking Fade (FAQs)

How long does composite decking last compared to wood decking?

Composite decking typically outlasts traditional wood decking, with a lifespan of around 25-30 years, sometimes even longer.

This is due to its resistance to rot, insects, and weather-related wear and tear, unlike wood decking which may need replacing every 10 to 15 years depending on the care and environment.

Can composite decking be painted or stained?

Generally, composite decking is not intended to be painted or stained. Its colour is engineered to last without the need for additional painting or staining.

If you do decide to paint or stain your composite decking, it's important to check with the manufacturer first and use products specifically designed for composite materials.

Can composite decking be recycled?

Yes, in many cases, composite decking can be recycled at the end of its lifespan. The recyclability depends on the specific materials used in the composite decking.

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